Looking Back: Work since 1982

This is a selection of earlier work done between 1982 & 2021 that is still available. Many of the earlier paintings that have been sold appear in the archives.

Proud White Peony - 12" x 9"

Proud White Peony - 12" x 9"

Triple Iris Buds - 12" x 9"

Triple Iris Buds - 12" x 9"

Blue Boat Bequia - 36" x 48"

Blue Boat Bequia - 36" x 48"

Green Pastures - 36" x 48"

Green Pastures - 36" x 48"

Ravine at Aquinnah - 36" x 48"

Ravine at Aquinnah - 36" x 48"

Sheep At Sunset II - 36" x 48"

Sheep At Sunset II - 36" x 48"

Orange Oak - 9" x 12"

Orange Oak - 9" x 12"

Pop Up Cloud - 10" x 12"

Pop Up Cloud - 10" x 12"

Autumn Reds - 16" x 20"

Autumn Reds - 16" x 20"

Spring Finery - 50" x 60"

Spring Finery - 50" x 60"

Rising Shadows - 10" x 12"

Rising Shadows - 10" x 12"

Chilmark Marsh - 9" x 12"

Chilmark Marsh - 9" x 12"

Crimson Sky Aquinnah - 30" x 40"

Crimson Sky Aquinnah - 30" x 40"

Farmland (Tree Farm Corner) - 18" x 24"

Farmland (Tree Farm Corner) - 18" x 24"

Misty Treeline - 9" x 12"

Misty Treeline - 9" x 12"

Owen Park - 16" x 24"

Owen Park - 16" x 24"

Purple Marsh - 9" x 12"

Purple Marsh - 9" x 12"

Reds II - 36" x 48"

Reds II - 36" x 48"

Sunset Flowers - 9" x 12"

Sunset Flowers - 9" x 12"

Tiah's Cove - 30" x 40"

Tiah's Cove - 30" x 40"

Yellow Sky, Black Point - 30" x 40"

Yellow Sky, Black Point - 30" x 40"

North Shore Moon - 27" x 36"

North Shore Moon - 27" x 36"

Willie Towing - 24" x 30"

Willie Towing - 24" x 30"

Manure Spreader - 16" x 20"

Manure Spreader - 16" x 20"

Across Tisbury Great Pond - 33" x 37"

Across Tisbury Great Pond - 33" x 37"

Geese at Squibnocket - 40" x 72"

Geese at Squibnocket - 40" x 72"

East From Big Sandy - 40" x 60"

East From Big Sandy - 40" x 60"

Panhandle Treeline - 18" x 22"

Panhandle Treeline - 18" x 22"

Early Flowers - 8" x 12"

Early Flowers - 8" x 12"

Garden's Edge - 9" x 6"

Garden's Edge - 9" x 6"

West Wind - Lambert's Cove - 33" x 37"

West Wind - Lambert's Cove - 33" x 37"

Moonset Cedar - 32" x 40"

Moonset Cedar - 32" x 40"

The Orchard - 16" x 20"

The Orchard - 16" x 20"

Proud Maple - 12" x 9"

Proud Maple - 12" x 9"

Big Red - 60" x 84"

Big Red - 60" x 84"

Cornfield - 18" x 22"

Cornfield - 18" x 22"

Spring in February I - 8" x 10"

Spring in February I - 8" x 10"

Pig Pen II - 24" x 34"

Pig Pen II - 24" x 34"

Parsonage Pond Tree - 32" x 40"

Parsonage Pond Tree - 32" x 40"

Black Point Wetlands II - 40" x 60"

Black Point Wetlands II - 40" x 60"

Big Orange - 60" x 72"

Big Orange - 60" x 72"

Farm Machinery - 8" x 12"

Farm Machinery - 8" x 12"

Panhandle Pasture - 9" x 12"

Panhandle Pasture - 9" x 12"

Red Pear Tree (Study for Big Red) - 9" x 12"

Red Pear Tree (Study for Big Red) - 9" x 12"

West Wind - 60" x 72"

West Wind - 60" x 72"

Whiting Barn I - 14" x 18"

Whiting Barn I - 14" x 18"

Twin Oaks - 9" x 12"

Twin Oaks - 9" x 12"

Whiting Barn II - 18" x 24"

Whiting Barn II - 18" x 24"

Whiting Barn - 32" x 60"

Whiting Barn - 32" x 60"

Towards Noman's - 40" x 50"

Towards Noman's - 40" x 50"

Cool Spring - Squibnocket - 34" x 40"

Cool Spring - Squibnocket - 34" x 40"

July Sunset II - 30" x 44"

July Sunset II - 30" x 44"

Heat of July - 8" x 12"

Heat of July - 8" x 12"

Squibnocket - April - 24" x 36"

Squibnocket - April - 24" x 36"

Burning Day - 30" x 50"

Burning Day - 30" x 50"

Oyster Barge - 30" x 50"

Oyster Barge - 30" x 50"

Makoniky Cliffs from Paul's Point - 30" x 50"

Makoniky Cliffs from Paul's Point - 30" x 50"

Summer Pasture - 14" x 18"

Summer Pasture - 14" x 18"

Snow Drift - Chilmark - 24" x 32"

Snow Drift - Chilmark - 24" x 32"

Autumn Sunset - 30" x 44"

Autumn Sunset - 30" x 44"